The scroll made by Akanksha |
Yesterday night after returning from her dance class Akanksha was doing something with paper and sticks. I scolded her of again cutting papers and dirtying the house and asked to go to sleep. She said that she need to carry it to school. Without bothering to find out what it was I asked her to complete it in the morning. She also obliged and went to sleep.
Today morning we were supposed to be at Akanska's school for a parent's orientation program. I was not liking the idea of having the same on a Saturday because only on Saturdays and Sundays I am able to sleep a bit more. Also after the child attending the school for six long years I was wondering what was the use of a parent's orientation program all over again. Since, we were supposed to reach school by 10.50am I slept a little more than usual. After I woke up I found Akanksha again toying with the paper and sticks. She awoke before me. Some how three of us got ready by 10.30am. Since my husband had office he was not very happy with the idea that he also had to accompany us.
We reached school 10 minutes behind schedule. We were being welcomed by a senior girl and guided to our seat into the auditorium. The principal was already delivering her welcome speech. Listening to her speech we could make out that since the children had recently been promoted to middle school the parents are invited for a formal introduction to the class teacher, the subject teachers, the co-ordinator, the councillor etc. My husband was not feeling comfortable and was complaining in my ears that he was unnecessarily been fetched there. He said that he had many important tasks at office. I did not react to any of his allegations as it might have messed up the situation.
After the speech of the Principal, the vice principal came on the dais and introduced all the teachers to the parents, then the co-ordinator had a power point presentation and one to one interaction of the parents and teachers took place which was very informative. All this was followed by a colourful dance performance by few students of both the sections.
Words scrolled by Akanksha |
The Principal concluded the meeting by inviting the parents to join her for refreshments arranged outside the auditorium after the children hand over a scroll with a secret message they had written for their parents. All the children who were sitting at the back came running to their parents and handed over the scroll. It was the secret thing that Akanksha was doing yesterday night. I opened the scroll and found a beautiful message written for us. She wrote -"Dear Mom and Dad, you are actually the message of God sent to me by him because he can't come to me. From Akanksha".
Going through the words tears rolled down my eyes and while showing the same to my husband I saw his eyes moistened too. After I looked around I was surprised to see the emotions in the eyes of each parents. I do not know from where she wrote it, if anybody helped her or had she written it herself, I am least bothered but I am happy that she had chosen such wonder words for us.
It was an utterly pleasant and emotional moment the teachers created. The act made us speechless and we could expect nothing more from the teachers but just bow our heads in respect of how wonderfully they are helping to grow our children. We are really proud to send our daughter to
Loreto House which always make us realise that our daughter will grow to a well mannered and respectable human being.
My husband was so touched by the gesture that he called it a magical thing that the teachers did. He no more complained of accompanying us. He said it was just wonderful and it was wonderful indeed.