Sunday, 2 September 2012

Sunset Painting

Tomorrow morning Akanksha is going to sit for a drawing competition. In the competition, the children of her age are allotted four topics : Pollution, Picnic, Road safety and Sunset, from which they have to choose any one.

Sitting over my idea of practicing the same from the last week, today morning, she suddenly became over conscious and started preparing for it. She said that she would be choosing 'Sunset' as her topic.

She started googling for sunset photographs. Than she asked if I have any photograph of sunset over the mighty Brahmaputra(the river at my native place, Guwahati).  I said I don't have, but than I remembered my blogger friend Rupam sarma from Guwahati, who have some stunning clicks of Guwahati. From his blog we searched the photograph below :

courtesy Rupam Sarma

Akanksha was very pleased after finding it. I told her that it would be quite tough, to which she too agreed but she wanted to give it a try. And the poor little soul tried really hard. She downloaded a tutorial from you tube to blend the colour of the sky and with the help of the tutorial and the picture above, the whole day she sat practicing the same, sacrificing all her cartoon shows and play. She tried really hard to bring the colour of the sky. She did more than 10 pages. The below two are the ones she first experimented with the color mixing.

Than she tried a few more.....

I told her that the painting below looks better than the others but according to her it does not look like the painting of a sunset. It rather looks like a full moon sky. :)..After a close look I too felt the same..

So, she kept on practicing more and this was the final one after which she surrendered and agreed that it is not possible to master the art in a single day..

She told me before going to bed that she would see tomorrow what she can do (as if some miracle is going to happen tomorrow) and apologized for not listening to my idea of practicing it. I did not, for a change, counter attack her and rather asked her to go to sleep and relax so that she would feel fresh tomorrow morning. She was quite surprised to find me not scolding her and so, very happily she gave me a tight hug and went to sleep. 

I too did not scold her because I do not want her to sit there to win. I just wanted her to understand the meaning of competition and also am very happy to see her sitting in the same place, patiently  practicing for hours. Though it meant providing her with her favorite chocolates and snacks in between and loads of promises of ice-creams, chocolates and visit to the amusement parks. 

Lets see what she does tomorrow. I feel, if she manages to do as she has done at home, my mission will be accomplished. 


  1. I would say Akanksha did a pretty good job. Unless you are a professional, no one can reproduce a photograph in painting. Good luck to her in tomorrow's competition.

    1. Thanks SG for your wish..yes, professionals are able to reproduce a photograph..also practice makes a man perfect..You do not practice and in a day you want to be like a professional is not done..and Akanksha is that type..:)

  2. Akanksha has done a fantastic job! She sure seems to have a knack for painting..
    Best was that both of you bonded and spent quality time together!!

    1. Thanks Deepak..I really enjoyed the screaming after was quite unusual to see her concentrate in one thing for so long..

  3. So beautiful....<3
    Really lovely sketches!

  4. Your daughter is so talented. Wish her luck from my side:)
    And I agree, that picture does look like a full moon night ~

  5. She is talented. Please encourage her to continue. I would be very happy if she can paint landscapes as well as wild animals.

    1. Thanks Sabyasachi for your inspiring words..will surely show her your comment..

  6. @Ranita Sinha Great to saw your post. So Beautiful art work of your daughter "Akanksha ". Best wishes to her.
    Thanks for sharing my photography in your blog.

    1. Thanks Rupam..I in a hurry even did not take your permission before using your was my pleasure sharing it..

  7. fabulous !! your daughter is really talented . All the best .

    1. Thanks Tangy Tomato for all your wonderful words..

  8. Akanksha is truly talented, I foresee great things in the future. I hope she does well in the competition. You are a great mum, kind and understanding, knowing when to back off and when to encourage.

    1. Thanks least you think I am a great mum else my husband thinks I am a nagging mum..:D

  9. Very good paintings..Akanksha is really very talented.
    Mind Stuff

  10. Your daughter took such pains to master the scene & she did improve with each effort-even the second one is very good....she will make a fine painter.

  11. She has the patience to practice so many times ? Please give her an extra scoop of ice-cream on my behalf :) Kudos to the little one :)

    1. Thanks Jaishree..she already had the costliest ice-cream in the parlour after coming out of the competition..and will keep your words too..this will definitely encourage her..:)

  12. wow...she's one talented girl, Ranita. She's a very creative person...a dancer n a painter also!! Great!! Tell her we loved her painting...:))

    1. Thanks Panchalidi..ohh! you already designated her as a dancer and a painter..:D:D:D..its just a humble beginning but loved your wonderful words..will surely tell that you liked her painting..

  13. wonderfull ...each piece having its own shade ..:)

    1. Thanks Kannaji for visiting and your comments..your blog too is very good and you too have some lovely sketches and photographs..

  14. wowwwwwwwwwwww it is so fantastic.....second last and last picture is the best..............i dont why. i like it..the river bank, the tree ..the lonely is looking so real.


    1. Thanks Anonyeil for your wonderful description of the painting..never watched it form that angle..thanks that you liked it..

  15. Wow! She is an artist, I really loved her colors. If I sit down to do something, I can do nothing more than scribble some lines that too all shabbily. :(

    Brilliant works, give her a BIG pat from my side! Well done, little girl! :)

    1. Thanks Arti..shown all the messages to her and she is all smiles..:)

  16. Rupam's pic is a sure inspiration, Ranita, and Akanksha a budding artist..a small bundle of talent has more than justified it! Blessings..:)

    1. Thanks Amitji for all your wonderful always bestow your blessings on her..

  17. just awesome .......mam your daughter is an artist ,loved her skills ,she has a way to go in this field wish her luck from my side

    1. Thanks Vanisha..fingers crossed..Hope your wish come true..

  18. I think you are a wonderful mother and admire Akanksha for her determination. She has talent and fortitude. I like her paintings very much.

    1. A double Thank you Denise for considering me a wonderful mother..grins..glad that you liked her paintings..

  19. you are such sweet mom and ur daughter is lucky to have a mom like u,what u said is correct winning is not important her hardwork is very important good luck with her painting carrer

    1. Welcome Janani to my Blog..Actually all parents do whatever they can for their children..Yes, to me rather than winning getting acquainted with such things are more important..thanks again for all your wonderful words..

  20. OMG, she is so talented. WOW...She will win for sure:)

    1. Thanks Saru..but her chances are very low..nowadays children are so talented..few were just like has to work hard to win..:)

  21. Ranita, this is lovely! Your daughter is really gifted. You must make her paint more.

  22. i must say she got enough talent as an artist and need to given more n more exposure and you are doing nice to brush-up her talent..
    May Almighty bless her.

  23. This is so beautiful!! How old is she???? What a gift. And you taught her the value of the lesson--it's not necessarily winning that counts so much as loving the journey to get there. Great blog post! I am following you back on your GFC! Thanks for sharing!

  24. You have a genius my dear...such a lovely's awesome!!

  25. Nice paintings, especially liked the different stages...

  26. Wow!
    Fantastic images, beautiful and very interesting text.
    All I really like it!
    I send you greetings from distant Polish.


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